Garrett Breeze

Performance Notification

Thank you for programming the music of Garrett Breeze!  Please use the form below to report any performances. 

It’s always enjoyable to learn where music is being performed, and, depending on the nature of the concert, Garrett may be entitled to royalty payments from Performing Rights Organizations such as BMI or ASCAP (at no cost to the performer.)

For music composed by Garrett, the sharing of performance videos on YouTube and social media is both permitted and encouraged.

For songs written by others (but arranged by Garrett) the sharing of performances is also encouraged, so long as the rights and wishes of the copyright holders are respected.

Please tag Garrett whenever possible.  He is active on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, using the handle (@breezetunes).

The use of Garrett’s original compositions or arrangements of public domain material in worship services (including livestreams of worship services) is permitted free of charge so long as the sheet music has been purchased legally.

Please notify using the form below and share a recording of the performance if available.

To record Garrett’s music for commercial release or television broadcast, or for any other questions, please use the CONTACT FORM and provide as much information as you can.

Performance Notification Form

*Use the CONTACT FORM to book Garrett for a commission / event, or for any other questions*